2012 0007 0008

Beating Interview Problems to Death with Parallel Haskell

Like anyone for whom graduation is becoming more immanent, I’ve been taking a look at the latest trends in the typical technology interview process. While many of the Fizz Buzzes being thrown around aren’t exactly exciting highlights of problem solving… well, you can always just beat them to death.

The Run Length Encoding algorithm is a nice, compact, and slightly real-world interview problem that has been making the rounds for years now. The basic idea being that “runs” of data, e.g. aaaabbbbbbb, are compressed into tuples, e.g. 4a7b, which may be a smaller representation if there is a large amount of adjacent repeated information. While real-world use cases for such a naïve compression scheme aren’t abundant, the algorithm is straightforward and can be implemented in a dozen lines or so in most languages. If you’ve got regexes or similar libraries at your disposal, you can manage even fewer lines. In Haskell’s case, one:

rleMap l = map (\e -> (head e, length e)) (group l)

which converts a string (or any arbitrary list of items) into a list of tuples, each of which has the character and its count. The function has type

rleMap :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]

Simple and easy. But where’s the fun in calling it quits now? Let’s MapReduce our RLE algorithm to make it easier to parallelize and potentially Hadoop-friendly. We’ve already got our map function, so lets create a reduce:

rleReduce :: [(Char,Int)] -> [(Char,Int)] -> [(Char,Int)]
rleReduce [] [] = []
rleReduce a  [] = a
rleReduce [] b  = b
rleReduce a b
          | (fst $ last a ) == (fst $ head b) =
                 init a ++  [(fst(last(a)),snd(last(a)) + snd(head(b)))] ++ tail b
          | otherwise = a ++ b

This is a less common component of RLE implementations (I haven’t spotted this particular bit of code anywhere else, so there’s likely room for improvement), but no less straightforward: simply join two RLE‘d lists together if their tail and head are not the same character; if they are, merge the head and tail tuple (updating the count) and combine the rest of the list as normal.

Now, it’s simply a matter of splitting the RLE target into pieces, maping over pieces, and reducing them back into a cohesive RLE-encoded document:

splitRLE n s = foldl rleReduce [] $ map rleMap $ chunkn n s

(chunkn is a simple hand-rolled routine that splits a string into n similar-sized pieces) As expected, splitting the list apart and recombining is needless overhead without parallelization:

# No splitting (rleMap s)
> ghc -O2 prle --make
> /usr/bin/time -f '%E' ./prle large.txt 1>/dev/null

# Nonparallel splitting (foldl rleReduce [] $ map rleMap $ chunkn n s)
> ghc -O2 prle --make
> /usr/bin/time -f '%E' ./prle large.txt 1>/dev/null

If we parallelize it using a simple parMap,

parallelRLE n s = foldl rleReduce [] $ (parMap rdeepseq) rleMap $ chunkn n s

we might expect some improvement:

# parallelRLE n s = foldl rleReduce [] $ (parMap rdeepseq) rleMap $ chunkn n s
> ghc -O2 prle --make -threaded -rtsopts

# Parallel map 1 core
> /usr/bin/time -f '%E' ./prle large.txt +RTS -N1 1>/dev/null

# Parallel map 2 cores
> /usr/bin/time -f '%E' ./prle large.txt +RTS -N2 1>/dev/null

# Parallel map 4 cores
/usr/bin/time -f '%E' ./prle large.txt +RTS -N4 1>/dev/null

Unfortunately, the bookkeeping and garbage collection overwhelm the problem very quickly, never achieving better performance.

I’m running the above on a randomly-generated 12MB text file, and no amount of coaxing could make the parallelized version do any better. While we could have written our RLE algorithm in plain C without much more trouble and not have encountered such performance obstacles, one does not simply parallelize C by swapping in a parMap either (see also: this). Thus, we deep-dive into some Haskell optimization to get a performant version.

There is one particularly painful bottleneck: Haskell list monads are not ideal for handling bulk data of the sort we need because Haskell’s String type is represented as a [Char]. Since there’s no reason to use a boxed linked list just to scan over characters, we instead turn to Data.ByteString for reading the input, and to Data.Sequence to handle the RLE-encoded tuples. Data.Sequence specifically removes the large penalty when concatenating the lists together in the reduce step, as adding to either end of a Seq is a constant time operation. This is in contrast to [], where only adding an element to a list head is constant time. Importing these

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
       , take
       , null
       , splitAt
       , group
       , head
       , pack
       , readFile)
import Data.Sequence as S

lets us rewrite our map

rleMap :: BL.ByteString -> Seq (Char,Int)
rleMap l = fromList $ P.zip (map BL.head c) (map (fromIntegral . BL.length) c)
        c = BL.group $ l

and reduce

rleReduce :: Seq (Char,Int) -> Seq (Char,Int) -> Seq (Char,Int)
rleReduce a b = rleReduce' (viewr a) (viewl b)
              rleReduce' EmptyR EmptyL = S.empty
              rleReduce' EmptyR _ = b
              rleReduce' _ EmptyL = a
              rleReduce' (rs :> r) (l :< ls)
                         | (fst r) == (fst l) =
                           (rs |> (fst(r),snd(r) + snd(l))) >< ls
                         | otherwise = a >< b

Optionally, Data.Sequence can be expressed with ViewPatterns. Rewriting with these in mind allows the new reduce to resemble the old one fairly closely:

{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
rleReduce (viewr -> EmptyR) (viewl -> EmptyL) = S.empty
rleReduce (viewr -> EmptyR) b = b
rleReduce a (viewl -> EmptyL) = a
rleReduce a@(viewr -> (rs :> r)) b@(viewl -> (l :< ls))
           | (fst r) == (fst l) =
             (rs |> (fst(r),snd(r) + snd(l))) >< ls
           | otherwise = a >< b

Now we finally define a new parallelRLE

parallelRLE :: Int -> BL.ByteString -> Seq (Char, Int)
parallelRLE n s = foldl rleReduce empty $ (parMap rseq) rleMap $ chunkn n s

and wrap it all up in a IO monad

main :: IO()
main = do
     [fileName] <- getArgs
     s <- (BL.readFile fileName)
     print (parallelRLE (numCapabilities) s)

With an improved algorithm and IO wrapper, it’s time for a more complete benchmark:

Performance Plot

This was run on a 0.5GB file, as the smaller 12MB file used above runs so fast that is essentially instant. Between 2 and 5 processors, we get a nicely ramped speedup. After 5 processors, the bookkeeping overhead rears its ugly head again reversing the trend, and around 48 processors (my system maximum), the parallelization ends up running as slowly as the unparallelized version. This is certainly not the end of possible optimizations, but we have to stop sometime.

While I’m no Haskell expert, parallelization which costs no more than swapping in a parMap and paying homage to the Big O gods is a very compelling reason to hammer out any other toy interview questions with Haskell in the future.

Get the code here. Feedback welcome.