2012 0002 0018
I’ve been accumulating helpful and interesting articles for a number of years now. At first, they existed solely as starred articles in Google Reader. Eventually, I migrated to Delicious, and finally to diigo. While diigo has served me well, I finally decided to consolidate services and begin using Google’s +1 feature, as it is fairly ubiquitous and is associated with an account I am already logged into (and appears nicely on my Google+ profile).
While Google’s Takeout is very useful on the exporting front (a factor I consciously consider before migrating to any system), I’ve never run across a good way to import a list of links as +1s on my Google+ profile. So here’s what I came up with last night:
echo "<html><head>" > page.html
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js\"></script>" >> page.html
echo "</head><body>" >> page.html
grep -o http[^\"\)\']* $1 | xargs -I{} echo "<g:plusone href=\"{}\"></g:plusone>" >> page.html
echo "</body></html>" >> page.html
Since diigo will happily let you export in a variety of formats, I
chose the csv file. My goal was simply to create a webpage with the
links and the +1 button next to each. The process of clicking the
buttons themselves could be automated, but I decided to manually click
on the buttons, since I wanted to vet the links I transferred. The
very simple (read: not iron-clad) regex (http[^\"\)\']*
) is used to
pull out the links. It looks for an instance of a string “http” and
then continues grabbing characters until it hits a quote. It should
work in a number of contexts, aside from just CSV files. xargs
kindly loops over all of these addresses and outputs each in HTML
form. The rest of the script just adds the usual HTML boilerplate, as
well as the +1 script necessary for the buttons to work.
One more wrinkle: the latest crop of browsers sandbox what javascript is allowed to do to the local filesystem (and rightfully so), so you will need to upload the generated page to a non-local path (or simply copy and paste it into a website that will let you edit html live). Once you do, just click on all the +1 buttons everywhere, and your links will be +1’d accordingly.
Have a look.