2013 0001 0029
For my comprehensive exam, I needed to quickly convert some NumPy
arrays into nice-looking LaTeX array
elements. The TeX Stack
Exchange site has a good answer for tabular
environments, but
wasn’t quite suited to the array
environment. The usual answer here
would be Pweave but, being short on time, I ended up rolling my
own function instead:
def to_latex(a,label='A'):
sys.stdout.write('\[ '
+ label
+ ' = \\left| \\begin{array}{'
+ ('c'*a.shape[1])
+ '}\n' )
for r in a:
for c in r[1:]:
sys.stdout.write(' & '+str(c))
sys.stdout.write('\\end{array} \\right| \]\n')
Here’s an incomplete snippet of it in action, where I convolve an
array t
with four different filters, producing a latex formula for
each result:
filters = (('A \\oplus H_1',h1)
, ('A \\oplus H_2',h2)
, ('A \\oplus H_3',h3)
, ('A \\oplus H_4',h4))
for label,f in filters:
t2 = scipy.signal.convolve(t,f,'same')
I’ll likely get around to expanding this into a full package sometime
in the future, since there’s a lot that is hard coded (the \[ \]
environment, stringification of the array, the fact that all columns
are centered, etc.). A gist of the function is available here.